Tinsel Hair Extensions 16 Inches Long by 1.5 Inches Wide
Whilst the awesome Ms BeyoncĂȘ does not need tinsel in her hair to make her glisten with beauty, she shows us all how well it can work and with a little help from your friends at Hairaisers you can add a little sparkle to your hair as well.
How to create a similar, sparkling look.
Simply purchase a set of Tinsel Flash hair extensions from the colour selection below, then... sprinkle a little pixie dust over your hair and just like BeyoncĂȘ you'll be ready for the ball.
OK, so we can't give you any pixie dust because we are all out of stock. But, if you've got any we'll take it off your hands :-) However we can give you the opportunity to get your hands on a free set of Funky Diva Colour Flash hair extensions if you are feeling creative.